Mission Partner:
The Philemon Project

The Philemon Project
The Philemon Social Society is a Lebanese NGO that offers a comprehensive Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Adult Mentoring (AM) program in Beirut, Lebanon, specifically reaching underserved populations. The ECD goal is to grow whole and healthy children and families. GROW's vision is to grow whole and healthy children and families, making a gospel impact by sharing the love of Christ through our program, and enabling them to mature into whole and healthy adults. We currently have proof of concept in one development center in Bourj Hammoud, an underserved and under-resourced neighborhood in Beirut; the goal is to replicate the second Center project in another underserved and under-resourced southern suburb of Beirut. GROW Center is female-run and embodies the best ideals of empowerment, equality, respect for the individual, strong work ethic, and dignity for everyone's rights. Our long-term goals are to replicate slowly and efficiently to maintain organizational and operational excellence and integrity.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.
1 Timothy 2:1