Deacons Benevolence Fund

Since the earliest days of Christianity, churches have been committed to helping those in need. Whether it was through a soup kitchen (Acts 6:1-7), financial aid to widows (1 Timothy 5:1-16), or caring for orphans (James 1:27), Christians have always prioritized generosity and mercy.
At Jville Church, the deacons are our volunteer leaders charged with leading our ministry of mercy. Through the generosity of congregation, the deacons oversee the Deacons Benevolence Fund, which provides limited funds for people going through a particular time of need, whether they attend Jville Church or simply live here in the Rogue Valley. If you or a loved one are going through such a time of need, the deacons may be able to help. To find out, click the link below:

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
James 1:27 ESV

Beside the Deacons Benevolence Fund, can we help you in any other way?